This week I learned about a new game. A new way to compare. I thought it was silly at first and as I thought about it more I realized sometimes I probably play too. The problem is, as soon as I step up to the plate, I automatically lose. I'm talking about the competition of who can be the most guarded and closed.

This leaves me believing I need to hide the parts of myself which are less than perfect. Every man is an island and meant to fend for himself without the influence or help of others. As long as I don't let on I have any needs or wants from you, you'll accept me and I'll be on top.
So here we are, wanting friendship and connection and building strong walls and barriers to keep out hearts safe. To make sure I don't really let the other guy in. I may win the game but I lose everything I'm really after. I'm building walls to keep people out when more than anything I really need to let people in.
Problem is, men are naturally tribal. We thrive in groups and need one another to survive and be the best men we can be. When we hide parts of ourselves we suffer emotionally and relationships can't thrive. This doesn't mean we need to regurgitate out feelings and emotions constantly and to everyone, but bottom line is most of us are flawed and have the capacity to accepts others who are as well. Often, knowing other people and their flaws helps me to accept myself with my own. Additionally, the guy who reaches out and has the bravery to expose himself is generally not only accepted for who he is and what he's done, but respected for it as well. He was the brave one and set the tone from breaking free from the battle to be the alpha male. The game where all who play lose.
There are those men who won't get this. Those who think vulnerability and expression are weakness and for the meek. Seems to me, those men aren't ready, for whatever reason to start taking down the walls. There's a part of them they're afraid to expose. Bottom line is, we've probably all got them. I read recently that most of us expose up to 90% of our truth at most even to those we're most intimately close with. Doesn't sound like a bad number to me. Maybe I'll be able to speak to that if I ever get there.

Break free. Be you.