There are stories I carry that not only haunt my nightmares, they pepper my days with a brokenness and hurt I like to convince myself no one else will ever understand. But I don't recognize them as stories. I carry them like a well worn satchel, always at my side, pulling, almost clawing with it's heavy burden and relentless malice.
Maybe I am a loser... Fat... Dumb... Hopeless... Maybe I'll always be lonely... Afraid... Shy... A failure. It's almost as if I'm not even capable of a positive thought. One which will finally lead me to the peace I endlessly seek. The peace which seems to elude me. Always.
"Why do these things happen to me," I ask? Constantly and chaotically. Why does this cancer of my being eat at me and seem to endlessly remind me how inadequate I am?
I don't want to listen anymore. "You're wrong," I shout internally and it echos as if bouncing off the walls of an empty cistern long forgotten and dry for millennia. I'm relentless with myself. The negativity I have toward my character, my body, and my behavior doesn't give me a moments rest from the hatred constantly directed inward.
Suddenly, for just a moment, I breathe. I feel the air fill up my lungs, expand my diaphragm, and I imagine the breath filling my body with life. LIFE. My life. One gifted to me by a noble and infinite creator who knows much better than I what He's doing. I remember that I'm here for a reason. I'm not my faults or falls. I'm not my resentment or my pain. I'm not even my body. I am me. The only me in existence. I'm a finite being with a unique set of skills, talents, gifts, and blessings. Me.
I've spent so many years behinds a curtain of lies, I haven't given myself the chance to see who I am beyond the curtain. It's frightening on the other side. I am scared to look beyond the tapestry of my stories and explore who I can be beyond the darkness of my self inflicted prison.

I've hidden my heart in shadows for way too long. There's an ease with which I lean toward self assault. In sharing my scars and using them to move myself forward, I am bold. I feel emboldened. I recognize the gifts I've received from the time my heart spent adrift and I use them to make me stronger.
Today, I am me. I am enough.