Time to step it up a little. It's time to dig deep and find those parts of me I haven't yet been privy to. To explore the other voice even though it's still just a whisper in the face of my rage, hate, and pain.

Often it's difficult to know why the light is calling me or what it is I'm called to do. One thing is for certain though, there's something bigger, better, and brighter meant for you. There are realms of beauty, ability, and strength you have yet to discover.
Finding new abilities can be scary because they seem to call me to do more. This fear can either stop me and keep me from my call or drive me to take more risks and go big or go home. I aim for the latter. To feel the fear and do it anyway.
I'm reminded of the 4 masculine archetypes as explained by Carl Jung. He explains them as all the energies that live in each of us (though we all tap into these energies differently). They empower me and concentrating on them gives me strength to step into my call.
I am a Warrior. My blood boils with the strength of the man God has made me. I set boundaries and protect those I care for. I get the job done and maintain a level of separation from emotion when I need to. My warrior helps me aim for my goals with vigilance and keep my eye on the prize.
I am a Magician. My magician is the part of me that understands and makes choices. He allows me to tell my warrior what needs to be done and how to go about it. My magician figures out my life and contains the wisdom I need to move forward, make change in my life, and navigate the world around me.
I am a Lover. My energy is loving and accepting and I can feel those around me. I use words like, "I feel" and "I love you," and resonate with life and my surroundings. Emotions create my world and my experience and I recognize them enough to allow them to guide me.
I am a King. I harness the powerful energy of my warrior, my magician, and my lover to bless those around me. To bring peace and serenity to my realm. My energy empowers others and allows them to find and connect to their inner King as well.
Just like in you, there is a power within me I have yet to fully harness. A power that will continue to surprise me, strengthen me and strengthen those around me. It is a me I sometimes fear. I fear what I'm meant to accomplish and who I'm truly meant to be. Yet with all the passion and wisdom I possess, I know this soul has been entrusted to me and that I can command all it has to offer in a way only I can. It's mine for a reason and with it I am meant to discover who I really am and to continue figuring me out.
What an incredible adventure! Thanks for taking it with me.
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