The conundrum, I believe, comes as a result of an inherent desire we carry as human beings to be loved and accepted for who we are. While the desire is healthy and natural, it leads people into debates like this one. Do I share or do I hide? Should I be open or keep things to myself? How will I know I'm acceptable for who I am if I don't share who I really am?
There's absolutely no reason anyone should have to go through life hiding. We all need people we trust who will return our trust with attention, affection, and affirmation. All of us. Some of us need it more than others but it's something we all need in one way or another. The most important person who needs to accept me though, is myself. In some ways I'm also the most difficult because there's not a single fall, failure, or misdeed that I'm not present for in my own life. It is, however, quite difficult to find acceptance and love in others when I don't accept myself. I believe this is where the need for everyone to accept me comes into play. It's when I don't have it for myself that I need it from all people outside of me and when this is the case, I have a desire to be fully transparent with everyone in order to test their acceptance of me.
It begins at home. Self acceptance doesn't mean I'm perfect. It doesn't mean I'm finished with my growth. It means even as dissatisfied as I may be with myself at this point because of my thoughts or behaviors, I respect where I am. I see myself and accept where I am, maintaining my desire for continued growth. When I can be myself with myself and give myself permission to be the way I am, I can begin to accept myself more fully in the presence of others, even without their approval.
I personally don't believe the old saying "one can't love others until he loves himself," but I do think we can love more fully and better engage in relationship from this place of self-love. I believe we can be fully who we are and still maintain a level of appropriateness for each specific relationship. A different level of transparency with each one.

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