There's a voice inside myself that expresses itself without words. It need not to verbalize itself in order to be heard. It's not quite as loud as the inner malicious cacophony yet, but it's silent scream gets louder by the day. It's the part of me who reminds me who I am. About my character and my might. My attitude and my abilities.
There's an inner voice which deserves its space to be appreciated and heard. To be felt and touched. To touch others with its inaudible serenity.
I spend so much of my life in tune with the pain but not the tranquility that lies beneath. Focused on the tension but not the release.
There's beauty out there. Both visibly and within those placed expertly in my path.

I gave someone advice this week and I'm working on taking it myself. Notice the beauty. Audibly. Each time someone graces you with kindness, no matter how small, say "thank you." Even if not to
the person directly, say it for yourself. If "thank you" is hard for you, use a different word. Maybe even something odd and out of place so I know I'm doing it with intention. I suggested "airplane" because it's the first word my unconscious offered me.
Do it for you. For recognizing kindnesses. For thanking God. To recognize moments of self care. For anything you want to bring your attention to.
It's an investment into me to bring my awareness to beauty, or serene and special moments.
Tranquility, joy, and beauty aren't just "out there." They're right here in front of me. I just need to choose to recognize them more.
Check out my last blog post