Wednesday, October 25, 2017

To Live While I'm Alive

I don't remember writing this piece.  Truth be told, I hope I'm not plagiarizing it.  It's been with me for quite some time now and I've edited it time and time again.  I've made some efforts to find out if there's a source outside myself but I've come up with nothing.  That being shared, I hope you appreciate this as much as I have.

A lot of things will happen on the day that I die. Many things will change yet the world will be bustling with energy and moving about as it always does.
The appointments that were so important will be left unattended on the day of my death.
All of the plans that I made will never come to final fruition by my hand. 
The calendar that has ruled my days and nights for years will no longer be relevant at all.
All of my material possessions that I worked for and guarded will be up for the taking to those who want them, or will carelessly be thrown aside.
My critics can no longer hurt me, and their harsh words will never cause me undue pain again.
The arguments I won that gave me such a sense of satisfaction will no longer bring solace or comfort.
I will no longer rush to answer all of the urgent notification beeps of texts or calls or emails. Their gravity forever ebbed.
All of the regrets I wasted so many sleepless nights considering will be forever where they should have always been - firmly placed in the past.
The worries about the size of my body and its parts, my graying hair, and the deepening wrinkles on my face will be gone.
The image of myself I so desperately wanted others to have, a mirage; they now have to complete it themselves anyhow.
My reputation, flawless and so worked for, is of little concern to me. 
All those things both big and small that caused me such anxiety and so many sleepless nights are now obscured.
The mystifying questions about life and death and what it all means, at once clarified.
All of this and more will come true, on the day I depart this earth.
For all of this that shall come to pass, there is still yet one more thing that will occur.
There will be those people who truly knew and loved me who will now grieve with the pain of my passing.
They will suffer a new void. 
They will be beaten over the head by fate. 
Some may be unwilling to accept that my time has come.
A part of them will have been stolen from them on the day I die and what they will wish for on that day, is to be able to spend just one more moment with me in it.
I know this, for I myself have grieved over the loss of those I have loved.
And because I have mourned, I will try to remember that time is precious.
It is finite. It is fleeting. It must not be wasted. 
For this reason, I will work to not place materials before moments. I will cease worrying about those things which are beyond my control.
Many of those things that seem to matter so much, don't. Do not let them compete for your attention against those things that truly do matter, those moments and people that allow you to actually live while you are alive.
Do not be robbed of the joy you deserve. Spend your energy on those who make you feel alive, who want to spend their precious time with you.
Dance with them before it is too late.
Do not waste the precious daylight any longer in those days you have before the one on which you will draw your last breath.
Don't keep giving your life to all that seems to matter, because when you die and are gone from this earth, most of that stuff won't matter at all.
Yes, I will die one day, and so shall you.
But before I do, I want to live.

To check out my last post click here.

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